Welcome to Nichole McCann Therapeutic Massage!
I have been practicing massage therapy for almost 20 years. In that time, I have met so many amazing people that have helped shape who I am as a professional, and what I deliver as a therapist.
Academically, my studies began at the Massage Institute of New England in general Swedish massage, Deep and Neuromuscualr therapy. Since then I have expanded my education, and practice, to include Active Isolated Stretching by Aaron Mattes. The Benjamin Institue of Orthopedic Injury and Assessment and Reiki I and II. I am certified in Massage Cupping, Rock Taping and Rock Blade IASTM work. I specialize in a variety of medical conditions, sports and overuse injuries to name a few. My practice has been home to various athletes, swimmers, runners, bikers, crossfitters and triathletes.
Visit me at 49 Walpole street Suite #3 Norwood, MA.
Home and office visits are available upon request.
Stay in touch with your body, schedule a massage today!
Nichole McCann, LMT #893
To make an appointment:
Call: 617-590-6160